Nuclear dangers, treaties, military spending discussed

Which Way The Wind Festival presents: WHERE WE ARE GOING: NUCLEAR ARMS, TREATIES AND DEFENSE SPENDING, This panel-audience discussion will be held Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. at Synapsis, 1675 Union St., Eureka.

Festival organizers’ goal for this event have assembled panelists who will provide important information and lead discussion, inquiry, reflection and insights about the issues.

People have become complacent about the threat of nuclear weapons even though this threat has increased considerably since the mass demonstrations of the early 1980s. However, with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threat to use nuclear bombs in the Ukraine and with the instability in East Asia and the Middle East, concerns about these weapons are again on the minds of many people.

In this panel, experts on efforts to reduce the threat of nuclear weapon usage and on the long-term health effects of radiation will discuss the threat posed by nuclear weapons. Panelists will also discuss the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and steps that you can take to support efforts for abolition of these weapons amidst the growing danger of nuclear war.

The panelists: Dr. Robert Gould, President, SF Bay Chapter Physicians For Social Responsibility; Jackie Cabasso, Western Sates Legal Foundation/Mayors for Peace; Dale Preston of Hirosoft International.

The discussion will also consider how we can begin to rein in the out-of-control US military budget, which adds to global instability, and delivers profits to major military contractors while doing little to make the US or the world a safer place as well as diverts resources needed to deal with climate change, health care and social inequities.

The evening will include time for audience questions and discussion of the issues raised.

Advance tickets are available: Order Tickets Here

Pictured below: Dr. Robert Gould with his grandsons Dylan DeMarco (left) and Jacob DeMarco at a rally in Livermore in 2019.. The rally’s title was "Designing Armageddon at Livermore Lab.”

Dr. Robert Gould with grandsons Dylan and Jacob DeMarco at "Designing Armageddon at Livermore Lab," a rally held in August 2019. Submitted photo


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